Chris Marley

Chris Marley

Head of Marketing at Faculty Group. MarTech enthusiast, & decentralisation advocate. Passionate about empowering humanity & creativity through autonomous systems. Futurist. Space travel aficionado.
How AI is revolutionising Government: An Exploration of Possibilities
3 min read

How AI is revolutionising Government: An Exploration of Possibilities

Chris Marley Chris Marley
Bringing Web3 to Space: Governance and our Ticket to the Stars
3 min read

Bringing Web3 to Space: Governance and our Ticket to the Stars

Chris Marley Chris Marley
AI Renaissance: Back to the Future
4 min read

AI Renaissance: Back to the Future

Chris Marley Chris Marley
Life under UBI - Ushering in a New Era of Personal Fulfilment and Community Prosperity?
6 min read

Life under UBI - Ushering in a New Era of Personal Fulfilment and Community Prosperity?

Chris Marley Chris Marley
Worldcoin: Not the Path to Attain Proof-of-Personhood
7 min read

Worldcoin: Not the Path to Attain Proof-of-Personhood

Chris Marley Chris Marley
The need for compassionate AI systems and humanoid robotics
4 min read

The need for compassionate AI systems and humanoid robotics

Chris Marley Chris Marley